Silk Road forums

Discussion => Shipping => Topic started by: KingJoey on November 23, 2011, 07:20 pm

Title: Free Postage
Post by: KingJoey on November 23, 2011, 07:20 pm
I hate the Post Office. Every time I deal with them I come away pissed off. So about a year ago I decided that I am going too stop paying postage. I send bill payments in for free and letters and what not all the time. My system is easy and it works.

Now its time that I share the secret the Post Office doesnt want you too know, how to send letters for free:

Dont tell anyone - Put the return address as the receivers address and the receivers address as the return address with no postage.

The Post Office is required by law to send the letter back because it doesnt have the proper postage. So they will return the letter too the return address which is the address you are actually shipping too. I have done this for a whole year now, I am not trying too save money I just like ripping them off because I dont want too help pay the idiots working at the Post Office for sub-par service from overpaid people. You know how much a post office janitor STARTS at, $18 hour.
Title: Re: Free Postage
Post by: Variety Jones on November 23, 2011, 09:32 pm
So basically, you're just a petty thief.

Your mother must be so fucking proud.
Title: Re: Free Postage
Post by: KingJoey on November 23, 2011, 09:35 pm
Thanks for your valued input.
Title: Re: Free Postage
Post by: exodusultima on November 23, 2011, 10:00 pm
So basically, you're just a petty thief.

Your mother must be so fucking proud.

Wow, Variety J, little harsh maybe? I thought KJ's "tip" was kinda funny.

Probably not a smart thing to do for important mail, but could be funny to do it to a friend or whatever. KJ wasn't saying he was fucking Al Capone running the streets dude.
Title: Re: Free Postage
Post by: KingJoey on November 23, 2011, 10:23 pm
Variety Jones is a weed seed vendor. Based on his post it would deduct that hes just pissed cause all he has is seeds and no weed roflao.

I wasnt even mad when I read it I was laughing so hard. Im like wow this guy must have part ownership in the post officer or something lol.
Title: Re: Free Postage
Post by: seakong on November 25, 2011, 11:48 am
The plan doesn't exactly sound full-proof to me. I don't think it is worth risking a lost order to save a stamp or two
Title: Re: Free Postage
Post by: mrgrey on November 25, 2011, 03:25 pm

1.  this idea of course doesnt work, unless you are mailing in the exact same zipcode you are mailing from.  you reallythink you can drop a letter in a NYC mailbox with a return address in cali with no postage, and the post office is going to deliver it?

2. kingjoey is a confirmed scammer

3. nuff said
Title: Re: Free Postage
Post by: exodusultima on November 25, 2011, 11:03 pm

2. kingjoey is a confirmed scammer

3. nuff said

OK, wait a sec. Calling someone a scammer here is a serious accusation, 2nd only to calling someone LE.

May I ask why you say that with such certainty? I am really interested in your answer, whether you're just blasting him, which happens, I understand ... or you have a tangible reason ... if you don't feel like posting your "proof" (for lack of a better word) publicly, would you PM me please?

Title: Re: Free Postage
Post by: Sobchak on November 25, 2011, 11:26 pm
Never dealt with him, but the fact that there's a thread dedicated to him being a scammer getting stickied might lend some credibility.
Title: Re: Free Postage
Post by: g4bb3r on November 25, 2011, 11:55 pm
I'm pretty sure this works, but it's a dick thing to do -- the post office needs the money to run -- and will bring attention to your package which is unwanted in this business.
Title: Re: Free Postage
Post by: Woodsy the Drug Owl on November 29, 2011, 03:11 am
Why are you spreading FUD, KingJoey? Didn't get your fill of donuts this morning?
Title: Re: Free Postage
Post by: slacky12 on November 30, 2011, 03:02 am
I'm pretty sure this works, but it's a dick thing to do -- the post office needs the money to run -- and will bring attention to your package which is unwanted in this business.

I have read this on other boards before and it won't work. It'll end up in a dead mail facility
Title: Re: Free Postage
Post by: PumpkinYeti on November 30, 2011, 06:51 am
I'm in agreement about this NOT working - just ask anyone who's ever worked for the post office. They've heard this joke before.